All India Gems & Jewellery Trade Federation Announces names of its Committee of Administration for the term 2015 – 2017
Mumbai, June 5, 2015: The All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF) announced names of members of its Committee of Administration (COA) for the term 2015 – 2017. The COA for the term comprises a 24 Memb er team who are industry stalwarts, having been a part of the gem and jewellery industry for several decades. Speaking on the formation of the new COA, Chairman, Mr. Manish Jain said, “GJF today has a very crucial role to play within the industry. Having completed a decade of formation, GJF has been actively involved with various industry related issues, constantly promoting the growth for this industry sector. I welcome the new COA members who are industry veterans and bring with them a wealth of experience and skills that would add immense value to our initiatives and programmes. Moreover, I am grateful for their willingness to dedicate their time and efforts and share our collective vision to work towards the progress of this industry” The COA comprises members w...