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Showing posts with the label “Live and let Live” Rajesh Bhatia

Tree House children celebrate Annual Day with 'Musical Odyssey'

Dance performances and a skit on 'Saving the environment' by tiny tots win hearts at Tree House High School Annual Day themed ‘ 'Musical Odyssey' Tree House High School, organised the Annual Day event with the theme of “ 'Musical Odyssey' ” in the city at Shyam Nagar, Jaipur . The two day musical odyssey enthralled the audience with the magic of dulcet musical sounds, vibrant colours and foot tapping dances.   The parents of Tree House  students feasted their eyes and ears on beautiful dance performances by the tiny tots. The pri-primary tiny toddlers, attired in all the rainbow hues, wriggled & twisted, tapped & clapped and swayed as they danced to popular numbers like sha la la , you are my sunshine and the Rajasthani folk song- Resham ka Roomal.    The highlights of the evening were a  play on the popular story of “ The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wild ”. It brought into sharp focus on the excellent dialogue delivery and histrio...