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Showing posts from March, 2023

ACM launches ACE-ElectriciBasket for investments in EV theme

  Asit C Mehta Investment Interrmediats ltd, subsidiary of Asit C. Mehta Financial Services Ltd ( ACMFSL ), (BSE- 530723 | ASITCFIN), one of the leading fintech conglomerates in Indian equity markets, has launched ACE-Electric iBasket for investment in companies that are expected to benefit from thetransition and growth of electric vehicles(EVs)in India with a very systematic and professional approach. Mr. Anand Varadarajan, Director, Asit C Mehta Investment Interrmediats, said “The Indian market for EVs is expected to explode over this decade at an estimated compounded annual growth rate  (CAGR) of 49%.  The Government of India has set an  ambitious target of 30%  market share of EV vehicles by 2030. This would translate to about  5 crores to 8 crores  EVs on the road by 2030. It is expected that a total  investment of Rs 14 lac crores  would be made by 2030 to achieve this target. The ACE-Electric iBasket consist...